Press release
Touch Panels with Enhanced Cybersecurity
Heuchelheim - November 11, 2024
At the SPS 2024 trade fair, tci GmbH is presenting the F07A, a new touch panel of the proven F series. The touch panel with a capacitive 7-inch multi-touch display was developed according to the security-by-design concept. It not only provides the ideal basis for operating and visualisation tasks in industry, production and logistics, but also offers cybersecurity at the highest level. The system is based on a hardened Linux kernel with Yocto framework and utilises a write-protected root file system that prevents unauthorised modifications. Additionally, the bootloader is configured to accept only signed images, ensuring a high level of integrity and protection. For system maintenance and updates, tci provides secure cloud-based updates. This function ensures that users can benefit from the latest security updates and software optimisations at all times -—without the need for complex manual processes.

tci Gesellschaft für
technische Informatik mbH
Ludwig-Rinn-Straße 10-14
35452 Heuchelheim
+49 (0) 6 41-9 62 84-0 | | |
Gerhard Bäurle
+49 (0) 1 70-45 58 088 | | |
René Jung
+49 (0) 641-9 62-84-23 | | |